About Me

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I am a college student trying to get by. With only a few short years left, I hope to teaching elementary school.


 One of the tools that I will hopefully use while teaching is the Smartboard.  I use to be a teacher aide at an elementary school for two years; The last year that I was there they were given their first Smartboards.  While I was there I would watch the teachers learn all the various things that could be done on these boards and it completely fascinated me.  There are so many different ways to get the children to interact and learn at the same time.  The kids loved to use the boards, mainly because it becomes a hands-on activity.

Smartboard- Easy to Use

Who I am as a teacher

As a future teacher I feel like I will definitely have some difficulty coping with a new job that I will have for the rest of my life, but so will everyone else in my position.  I will try as hard as I possibly can to learn and understand everything that will be happening around me.  I will be learning from my students and they will also be learning from me. I like to think of myself as a quick learner, so I hope this comes in handy when I start to teach.  I know that at the beginning of my job I will feel stresses and that I will not be able to keep up with everything that is going on around me; I also know that this will soon pass and everything will be smoothed out.